Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Kelly 2016

I love living in the USA. I love that I have the right to vote and the right to bear arms. I love that I have the right to earn an education. I love that I can speak my mind about my views on Common Core, Obamacare, and The Young and the Restless (are they trying to make each new Billy suck worse than the last?!)
Anyway, I know that so many of you have busy lives and don't exactly have the time to research every candidate. You can't trust those TV ads. I hate the term 'smear campaign' because it reminds me of certain doctors.
Therefore, I've taken the liberty to compile a short list of my opinions on some of the candidates. For your viewing pleasure:
Smh all these politics. Y'all ready for Saturday? Whether you vote Saturday or the 27th, I have questions:
1. Why didn't Hillary smack the crap out of her husband when she stood next to him during any of his public apologies? Or, did she just stay quiet and have the cooks put Visine in his McDonald's?
2. I LOVE Dr. Carson. I've read his books. He believes that hard work and education are the keys to unlocking a bright future, but his huge brain doesn't seem to keep up with his mouth sometimes.
3. Bernie Sanders looks like a crazy, old librarian. I love his views on equality. However, crazy old librarian.
4. Ted Cruz is pro-2nd amendment, which I love, but is the lack of experience a good thing or a bad thing?
5. Marco Rubio seems pretty cool. I got nothing.
6. Jeb Bush. I'd rather vote for Jeb Robertson.
7. Donald Trump. He reinvented the combover into the backflip. And the prospect of him as POTUS? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA but seriously he's gonna be the next Hitler.
8. John Kasich. He's the 69th governor of Ohio. Come on! People hate Ohio, that's why they move down here!!!
Totally unrelated to specific candidates (or NOT? I've watched The Manchurian Candidate and y'all ain't fooling me. I'm watching y'all)... Eliminate the electoral college. I've never known anyone personally who has even attended that school. What is their dang football mascot?!

In all seriousness, though, please vote. Please do your research. Many people fought for your right to vote. Don't make all their hard work be in vain. This is YOUR country. Be involved!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

The day after --- I think I've eaten more today than yesterday.
In fact, I KNOW I ate more today.

Yesterday, I was running around all over the place getting things in order, ordering kids and teenagers around (to do my bidding), and cooking the last few things. I was also socializing, which is a requirement to being a Proper Hostess.

Fitting 14 people iny dining room and living room wasn't wasy, but It. Was. Done.

The next day --- Today, though, I went and stole my niece, Jaydin, and she, Garrett and I have been "cleaning out the refrigerator " and relaxing. I've missed Jaydin, and she and Garrett have this crazy bond. They seem to have an unspoken bond that's more like brother and sister, rather than cousins. 

Tonight, we are all going to see the Christmas lights. 

I am more excited than the kids are, I think. Especially Garrett. That's sarcasm, y'all. He's 13. If its not on YouTube or an app, he doesn't like it.
Jaydin got to meet Santa. She asked for a Barbie doll and a hat. A Hello Kitty hat like the one of Morgan's I let her wear that night. I'm gonna be SO busy in December! 

On Saturday night, we did crafts. I had gotten two clear plastic ornaments for $0.96 each at Wally World and they were worth every penny.
Garrett wasn't so into it, as 13 year old young men don't usually do those things. Christmas ornaments don't have their own YouTube channel, but I'm sure there's an app for that.
Chelsey and Raymond decorated their own ornament, and Jaydin and I decorated the other. Chelsey had a definite plan for how the ornament would look. her boyfriend, however, just wanted to paint with all the colors and use as much glitter as he could. It was fun to watch.

Sunday --- So, here we sit at the airport. Garrett is going back to his dad. I will see him again on Christmas Day. It's so strange to be so far away from him so much of the time. He tried to enjoy himself, but he was on Benadryl the whole time. He had hives and was so uncomfortable and itchy when he wasn't taking it. I washed everything in free and clear detergent, but we are thinking it's an anxiety thing because we had so many people around all the time. It's crazy how I am such a social butterfly and have a child who gets hives when family comes over. They started when we were on the way home from the airport, so maybe even the change of scenery and routine did it. When I was his age, I got severe migraines from that. It really sucks that he has to suffer when he comes to see me.

I'm leaving the airport with Jaydin in tow. At least I'm never without some kid who needs me. Being iny situation, I have a bigger need to be needed and my heart loves more. That's why I'm a great stepmom and steal kids :)

Thursday, December 5, 2013


For my husband and I, our latest Netflix addiction has been Sons of Anarchy.

Sadly, we are caught up on all the episodes on Netflix and I am too scared of The Powers That Be to do any illegal downloading. So, until FX starts playing the older episodes from this season, we are done. I'm not about to pay for it. We already pay enough for cable.

Dang, that is one good show.

The funny thing about my husband and I are how different we act when one is ahead of the other. If I'm a couple episodes ahead, I don't speak a word about the show because I'm not one to spoil things.

My dear husband, on the other hand, is just plain awful about it. He will plead that he just has to tell me just one thing, and it won't spoil anything, but then this other thing happened...

I think it's really cute. I also hope I can get him started on Breaking Bad. He can't spoil anything for me because I've already seen every episode.

Getting into the same show is a great bonding experience. He can't/won't relate to The Young & The Restless, and he doesn't seem to care much about The Walking Dead. We have to find another show because I liked obsessing over every episode with him, and the competition of keeping up with each other.

What do you and your significant other bond over? What show(s) do you watch together?

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Stuff I'm Thankful For In 2013

Like many of you, I began participating in that Facebook tradition of posting what I'm thankful for every day in November.

Yeah, I lasted about a week, then crappy crap started happening. Instead of trying to catch up, I figured I'd make a list of things on my blog.

So, here ya'll go.

1.) Gravy.

2.) My Mom. I don't know what I'd do without her. She's been here for me no matter what. She's a Ride Or Die Mom.

3.) The way Morgan talks. "Tops ride in a top tar." She has the cutest lisp, also.

4.) The fact that I have things to pass along. For instance, I showed Chelsey how not to burn the crust of a pumpkin pie. I also showed her what my stepmom taught me to do -- sprinkle cinnamon on the top.
On Christmas, I'll show them how to make reindeer food. The glitter is what makes them fly.

5.) My husband. He fought the crowds this morning and got last minute stuff, PLUS he brought home sausage biscuits!!!

6.) The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. I wish someone would tell them that nobody gives a dang about that Broadway stuff or the singing. We just want the floats and balloons, thankyouverymuch.

7.) The way dudes smell when they get out of the shower. mmm

8.)  Smartphones.

9.)  Memories. No matter what, I have memories of the past holidays and the people who made it special. I also have the chance to make memories with my family every day. I know it seems sappy, but  the thought of spending this holiday and Christmas and many more special days with everyone makes me feel good. Even if members of your family are in Heaven (or outer space, whatever you believe), you have their memories and stories to share to the ones you have around you right now.

10.) Elastic pants. Very important on days like today.

11.) Chocolate peanut butter fudge. It's an old family recipe that we call "Cake Candy" and my awesome seester brought me some today because she loves me.


12.) The Young & The Restless.

13.) Grape juice. Not grape drink. Not grape Kool-Aid. Grape Juice.

14.) Brand new white tennis shoes.


15.) Children. Not anyone else's. Just mine (including stepchildren, I love them like my own.) And my nieces. And my nephew. Grown-up kids, too... like my other nephews. Shoot, my whole entire family.

Well, I've got stuff to do. Green bean casserole to make. I hope y'all enjoy your Turkey day and your post-turkey naps. May all your dishes be paper and all your pants be stretchy. Love y'all!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sh!+ I'm N O T Thankful For

In this season, we're all thankful for many things, as we should be. We should all have an attitude of gratitude. Life is precious and we shouldn't take our blessings for granted. 

That said, each one of us have things we cannot stand. Something that sucks all the red off our lollipops. 

So, here is my list of sh!+ that I'm NOT thankful for. Things that just need to disappear or get the heck out of my life, all in no particular order.

1. That oak tree that keeps trying to grow up under my crepe myrtle tree. I cut it and cut it, yet it still comes back. It's like cutting it makes it stronger.

2. Bats in the cave. Always check your nose before you go out in public. Nobody wants to see that stuff.

3. Comb-overs. 

4. Calories.

5. Limp handshakes. Especially from dudes. Shake it like you mean it!

6. When people put apostrophes when there shouldn't be. I just tried to do one on purpose and could not stand it. 

7. Those four-holed Hush Puppies shoes. My old art teacher used to wear them and those shoes made me angry.

8. Alarm clocks. 

9. Close talkers. Back up, I can hear you from three feet away, I promise. 

10. Emus. They just look evil.

11. Muffin tops. Lord knows I hate mine, although it is more of a loaf top. See #4.

12. Pull up your pants!!!

13. The fact that as nasty as they are, there is no coating on Prednisone pills. Why?

14. Bell peppers. Blech!

15. The fact that the skin on my elbows is dark. I do not know why. It just is.

16. Fire ants. I once poked a hole in a fire ant mound, put dryer lint in the hole, and set it on fire. Now, that's entertainment.

17. These things:

18. "Your card has been declined."

19. Cancer.

20. Bad parenting. It runs the spectrum. I was going to start naming examples, but it makes me angry. If you don't want your kid(s), then give them to someone who does. Or, better yet, use birth control. No child should be mistreated, taken for granted, or made to eat bell peppers.

21. Onions.

22. People who can't take a joke. 

23. Having an itch in that one spot in the middle of your back that you can't reach.

24. How fast the stupid battery on my stupid phone dies.

25. Bills. 

26. People who do drugs, especially the people who brag about it. 

27. When Pinterest recipes don't turn out the way the pin describes. Like that cornbread recipe.

28. Getting caught doing something stupid. You know that person is going to remind you daily and tell everyone.

29. Every time I get a new shirt that I really like, I get a stain on it before the second washing. 

30. When I make dinner and nobody thanks me. I did work, ya know. Be thankful it's not Totino's.

Okay, done.

The cool thing about this list is the fact that it was MUCH harder coming up with things I'm not thankful for. The things I appreciate and enjoy every day come to mind way easier. 

So, tell me... what are you not thankful for?

Friday, November 16, 2012

Sh!+ I'm Thankful For

As I'm sure we are all way too aware of, we're supposed to post a Facebook status every day of something we're thankful for.

This month has had a rough spot or two, so I've fallen off that bandwagon.

Sure, there are things to be thankful for every single day, but I was too busy pouting or being ticked off to post some happy crap for the world to see. Screw that.

So, to get it all over with at once, I've compiled a list of things I'm thankful for. They are listed in no particular order. Here goes:

1. My mouth. Food goes in it and I can speak my mind with it. I can make boo-boos all better with a kiss and, seriously, where the heck else would I put red lipstick?

2. DVR. I'm too forgetful to remember to watch certain shows at certain times. Plus, I can watch the soaps uninterrupted while everyone else is at work/school.

3. My divorce. If I hadn't gotten a divorce, as unpleasant as it was, I would never have been able to marry John. Marriage is amazing as long as it is to the right person, and I've finally found him.

4. Fall leaves. Who doesn't like fall, and the wonderful weather? The leaves are beautiful! 

5. My kids. One in Heaven, one here. Both are amazing examples of how I can pass on both good and bad things... mostly good, of course! lol On a serious note, though, NEVER, EVER take your kids for granted. They are blessings, planned or not.

6. My stepkids. I hit the lottery on this one. I've heard horror stories of evil stepchildren. The ones I've been blessed with are really awesome kids. I'm so glad I didn't get ones that are evil, stink, or are just generally bad.

7. The filling in Oreos.

8. Sweet tea. The bane of my existence, so bad for me in all it's deliciosity.

9. The roof over my head. Too many people take that for granted. Sure, I don't live in a mansion or in a cookie cutter community, but this is the home I grew up in and its solid and full of love.

10. High thread count sheets. Its like sleepin' in butta.

11. My parents. So many people take their parents for granted, especially teenagers. I did when I was younger. I got really good parents, though. My mom is the funniest, sweetest lady. My dad was like a superhero to me (race car driver and always could fix stuff, excellent judge of character.) 

12. All the chores my stepmom made me do. Seriously. I resented doing them, but it made me a better, more responsible person. 

13. Technology. I love technology. Computers, social media, smartphones, my Keurig coffeemaker. 

14. Rain. I love the rain. 

15. Full House reruns. It makes me so happy that my kids actually like watching that old show, since it doesn't have bad innuendo or embarrassing subjects (like Two and a Half Men).

16. Pumpkin pie.

17. King Vitamin cereal. That stuff ain't no joke. The best cereal ever.

18. Ponytail holders. Otherwise, my hair would be getting on my nerves all the time.

19. My friends. And they are better than YOUR friends.

20. Baby/toddler giggles. I can't think of a sweeter sound.

21. My nieces and nephews. I'm probably the proudest Auntie ever in the history of Auntie-dom. From the oldest to the youngest, they are seriously awesome.

22. My siblings. They have my blood running through them, so of course they're the best. lol The step-siblings are pretty dang cool, too.

23. Karma. Enough said.

24. The sweet ass car I get to drive. Frickin' sweet. 

25. The fact that my husband finds me sexy even though I'm old and fat. 

26. My MADD friends, the Charleston County Victims Advocate, and Amy from the Impact of Crime classes. All the people who share my passion for making the world a better place, and for giving me a way to do so.

27. Thanksgiving dinner. p.s. I make the best collards next to my first stepdad. 

28. Electricity. Except the bill.

29. Medication. Keeps me alive/doing fairly well, and helps me suffer through an airplane ride.

30. Hugs. I frickin' love hugs. 

Okay, so there you have it. I'm thankful for big things and minor things. I'm grateful to be alive and to have things that make me grateful. 

What are YOU thankful for?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

My handy, dandy soda bottle holder!

I had posted the pics of this on, but here it is if you would like to make it yourself... I'm too lazy to post a pic of it right now, so just click on the link below to see it :)

Round 1: Ch 2, 6 sc in 1st ch. Join with slip stitch in first sc. (6 sc)

Round 2: Ch 1, 2 sc in each stitch around. Join with slip stitch in first sc. (12 sc)

Round 3: Ch 1, (2 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next sc) around. Join with slip stitch in first sc. (18 sc)

Round 4: Ch 1, (2 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next 2 sc) around. Join with slip stitch in first sc. (24 sc)

Round 5: Ch 1, (2 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next 3 sc) around. Join with slip stitch in first sc. (30 sc)

Round 6: Ch 1, (2sc in next sc, 1 sc in next 4sc) around. Join with slip stitch in first sc. (36 sc)

Round 7: Ch 1 (1sc in each sc around)

From here on, don’t end each row with a sl st, just work in the round until height measures approx. 6 1/2 inches.

Handle: without fastening off, Ch 1 and turn. Sc in next 5 sc.
Ch 1, turn, Sc in each of next 5 sc. Continue until handle is approx. 12 1/2 inches.
Find the middle of the other side of the drink holder so you can attach the handle to the other side (with sc)
Fasten off.