Thursday, December 5, 2013


For my husband and I, our latest Netflix addiction has been Sons of Anarchy.

Sadly, we are caught up on all the episodes on Netflix and I am too scared of The Powers That Be to do any illegal downloading. So, until FX starts playing the older episodes from this season, we are done. I'm not about to pay for it. We already pay enough for cable.

Dang, that is one good show.

The funny thing about my husband and I are how different we act when one is ahead of the other. If I'm a couple episodes ahead, I don't speak a word about the show because I'm not one to spoil things.

My dear husband, on the other hand, is just plain awful about it. He will plead that he just has to tell me just one thing, and it won't spoil anything, but then this other thing happened...

I think it's really cute. I also hope I can get him started on Breaking Bad. He can't spoil anything for me because I've already seen every episode.

Getting into the same show is a great bonding experience. He can't/won't relate to The Young & The Restless, and he doesn't seem to care much about The Walking Dead. We have to find another show because I liked obsessing over every episode with him, and the competition of keeping up with each other.

What do you and your significant other bond over? What show(s) do you watch together?