Friday, January 15, 2010

I'm going MADD, I tell ya!

Hoooo, lawdy, it's been a long time since I've blogged.

Lots of stuff has happened, y'all. I have started a new MADD chapter here in Charleston, and I'm still in the process of getting it off the ground. I've been on the news a couple times, too. I'm famous, but not for witnessing tornadoes in the trailer park. I want EVERYONE to know what I'm up to (as far as that goes, not for the common whoredom) and I wanna beg for minions... er... volunteers. I am damn near perfect, but I can't do all this myself. Shoot.

Now that I think about it, I betcha if the cops and Waffle House cooperated, we'd round up almost all of the potential drunk drivers every night at about two thirty a.m.

Next week, I have a meet'n with the MADD lady from the state office. She is really cool, for a Yankee, but I ain't gonna fault her for that. She didn't choose to be born way up there.

There will be a couple of other volunteers there, hopefully, that I will be able to meet. It is exciting to see my goes come to fruition, and WOW, what a way to honor my babygirl! I really think that the good Lord has put me on the path I need to be on. He's given me the gift of gab, that's for sure, and that comes in very handy nowadays. I just wish I hadn't lost it for the past nine years...

Holy crap, NINE years. Bless my poor soul, can you even believe it's been that long??? Happy anniversary, thanks for the memories...

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