Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Eat Grow Bitch

I was reading a popular blog about someone who was reading the book
eat pray love

and the blogger had posted a question that the book posed.

What is your word?

What one word describes you?

Considering all the bad things that have been happening lately, I was thinking of a depressing word. Like Survivor. Or Browbeaten.

I couldn't think of one, so for lack of better judgment, I decided to call my Mom
cat lady

and ask her.

It took her a while to understand, but after explaining it to her, she gave me my word.

Seriously, that really creeps me out. I guess it could be worse. She could have said ugly, unwanted, stinky, etc. She loves me.

On another note, I went to the eye doctor today and got my eyes dilated. I looked like I dropped acid or something, my pupils were huuuuge.
Doom\'s Dilated Pupil of Death

When you leave after having your pupils dilated, you are typically given those blind person glasses. You know the ones I'm talking about. I'm sure your grandmother had them to wear in the car. I looked like Willie Wonka in the TV room.
Willy Wonka Glasses

I rocked those shades.


What is YOUR word?


Quinn said...

LOL! I don't know what my word is, but yours is nice until involved Gollum!

Tina Puntigam said...

I thought that was the sweetest word, and then enter said picture :|

I guess my word would be something like "wander"


Steven and Stephanie said...

I don't know what word would be mine... But the word I choose for you is Enduring!!

Love you,